Do you want to tune in and drop out, kiss your troubles good bye and go on a little astral travel to another galaxy? I can't guarantee that your problems will go away permanently but I can guarantee that they will go away temporarily while I turn you into a big mushy pile of goo-goo muck. Luckily I'm coming to your house, because honestly all you're going to want to after this is roll off my table, and into your bed. This is great for people who are just looking to relax, de-stress, and rejuvenate. Many clients with sleeping problems have also noticed huge improvement in their sleep cycles. Relaxation (Swedish) massage is generally a lighter pressure massage with lots of flushing with little-no concentration on damaged or in-balanced tissue. It has positive effects on the circulatory, nervous, and lymphatic tissues but it will not specifically target your sciatica or tennis elbow for example. With that said you can still have the flow of the long, broad strokes of relaxation massage but with a deeper pressure if you prefer. |
Therapeutic Massage is like sports massage in the sense that it concentrates on one or more specific problems areas or injuries within the body. I use a large combination of techniques aimed for rebalancing the musculoskeletal system and repairing injuries. Some of these techniques may include, but are not limited to; myofacial release, trigger point therapy, cross-fiber frictioning, kinetic technique, and stripping. Perhaps you have an injury that you would like resolved in which case we make that area our main concern and tend to other areas with the remainder of the time. In other cases the entire treatment may be focused on this one area. In other cases, there may be several areas of concern, all of which may only be able to handle 10-20 minutes each. Some people just want that kink in their neck worked out and then to relax for the rest of the time. You are always able to ask me to treat one area of your body therapeutically followed by a relaxation massage to the rest of you. I don't have a generic protocol or routine for my massage. Every client is unique and every treatment is customizable, so mix and match based on your needs! |
Deep Tissue
Deep Tissue is a massage that targets the muscle and connective tissue down to its deepest layers! I focus on releasing the tension, adhesions, trigger points, restrictions and limitations of the musculoskeletal and nervous system. For some clients this might be a full body relaxation massage with lots of flow but a deeper pressure. For others, this may be more of a "no pain no gain-drop that table low- and jump on me with your elbows" type of massage. My style and intention is more of a "good kind of pain" opposed to "no pain no gain." I go for the amount of pressure that I find necessary to release the specific area and then check in with you to make sure it is comfortable. This is your massage and you are 100% in control of the pressure! |
Offering Relaxation, Therapeutic, Deep Tissue, Pre-natal and Geriatric Massage
$100 1 Hr
$120 1.5Hr
$150 2 Hr
Prices include GST and travel time
These treatments are offered in the comfort of your own home! Please note booking policy requires 24 hrs notice to cancel or move an appointment.
Jess is insured through the Natural Health Practitioners of Canada
For those who have health benefits with extended coverage for massage, only select companies will accept her receipts as she is not a "BC RMT". Please contact if you have any questions regarding insurance billing.
We are looking to hire a BC RMT that would be able to offer insurance billing please join our mailing list on the Contact Us page if you would like to be updated on that when it happens.
For those who have health benefits with extended coverage for massage, only select companies will accept her receipts as she is not a "BC RMT". Please contact if you have any questions regarding insurance billing.
We are looking to hire a BC RMT that would be able to offer insurance billing please join our mailing list on the Contact Us page if you would like to be updated on that when it happens.